Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, rooted in Sacred Scripture and centered on the Eucharist, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School embraces the values of Education, Faith, and Citizenship.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School is committed to creating an environment that allows our students to thrive in the classroom and beyond.
Greetings from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School, where education, faith, and citizenship merge to create a nurturing environment for our students. Whether you rooted for the Irish, Ponies, or Lakers our school has always aimed to provide a quality education that fosters academic excellence, moral character, and spiritual growth in our young learners.
As a proud Catholic institution, we rely on the generous contributions of donors like you to continue fulfilling our mission and to meet the needs of our school community. Our commitment to delivering exceptional education is steadfast, but we face some critical challenges requiring your support.
Thanks to a transformational 1 million dollar pledge from the Lake Michigan Catholic School Fund in support of tuition assistance, we now have the unique ability to meet our other challenges head-on.
The first challenge we face is the need for infrastructure improvements. Our school buildings have served us well over the years, but they require upgrading to accommodate an optimal learning environment for our students. Investing in modern infrastructure will enhance the learning experience, ensuring our students have access to state-of-the-art facilities that foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaborative learning.Additionally, we strive to provide our teachers with the tools and resources they need to provide a first-class education and a competitive pay structure to attract and retain highly qualified educators. Our teachers are the backbone of our school, instilling knowledge, values, and guidance in our students. By offering competitive salaries, we can ensure that our faculty remains motivated and dedicated, resulting in improved student outcomes.
As Father John said, "We need to understand that everyone has an obligation… the OLL community, alumni, and parishioners… to become involved. The success of our school cannot happen without committing our time, talent, and treasure."
Donating to Our Lady of the Lake not only enriches the lives of our students but also invests in the future leaders of our society. Together, we can continue molding compassionate and well-rounded individuals who will positively impact the world.